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AJ Kids Idol

What does Kids Idol do?

The Rhino Recreation Center has been holding the AJ Kids Idol since 2018. The AJ Kids Idol is a competition for K-12 graders to show off the talent in our community. The AJ Kids Idol is held every year on the last Sunday of January.  Beginning in September through November we hold auditions to see who will compete. We have had singers, musicians, magicians, dancers and other talented youth compete. The kids are divided into K-6 and 7-12. Each group has a winner and then the audience chooses a fan favorite. Each winner earns a cash prize, a plaque and local recognition.


We solicit local businesses to donate money and we charge admission. The proceeds are used for further activities in the schools. Some of the programs we have funded are drama, music, STEAM, playgrounds and art.


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